Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Action Analysis Class - Feb. 22nd, 1937 (I)

Here is the first part of Izzie Ellis' copy of the transcription of Don Graham's Action Analysis Class of February 22nd, 1937: "Introduction to Study of Action: Primary Actions". A class that was suggested by Walt, for as Don Graham writes: "Walt has been very much concerned..." It may very well be the most important document on my blog to date - if not the most important EVER.

"All primary actions are the result of thought processes..."

How often have we not seen characters be moved as if by an invisible hand... And it is getting worse, folks! I have had a sneak peek at several CG features in progress in different Burbank and Glendale studios, and this was exactly what struck me most!
The old Ollie sign "What is the character thinking and why does he feel that way?" should be above EVERY drawing desk and computer screen!!! (Continued tomorrow...)

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