Thursday, February 15, 2007

Disney Directory 07/1967 (III)

The last part of the July 1967 Disney studio directory. This time I did not forget to upload the files. A friend told me 18 hours later!
Today we find such household names as Clarence "Ducky" Nash, Ken O'Conner, Ken Peterson, Walt Pfeiffer (Walt Disney's boyhood friend in charge of the Penthouse Club), Woolie Reitherman, Connie Ropolo (who sent me my fan cards as "Public Relations/cr" in the late 70s), Robert B. and Richard M. Sherman making ready to go to the Millionaire premiere, Bill Southwood (he was there in the 40s, too), Walt Stanchfield, Art Stevens (who showed me part of the Fox and the Hound work reel), McLaren Stewart, Julius Svendsen (who was known around the studio as Sven and who immigrated from Kristiansand in Norway as 4-year old - thank you, Are Myklebust), Al Taliaferro, Frank Thomas, Erwin Verity, Bill Walsh, Paul Wenzel (probably starting on Walt's portrait for the 6c stamp - see yesterday), Roy Williams, Thelma Witmer, Ralph Wright and Bob Youngquist.

We also find - how ironic - a Pat Powers! And several Vandagriff's - who knows, maybe this was a misspelled Vandergriff? Mrs. Florence Vandergriff having been Walt's mother Flora's sister. Imagine the confused parents, having both a Flora and a Florence...



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